The 30 day Vegan Pledge

Growing up my family were never massive meat eaters – we always had Quorn products in the house and mainly ate vegetarian. Over the past year, I have tried to cut down on my meat consumption and in the past 3 weeks I have been eating mainly vegan foods with the odd meat product if I went out.

screen-shot-2016-10-02-at-14-14-35Then, a couple of weeks ago I discovered the Vegan Society 30 day pledge, and decided to take up the challenge. I am fine eating vegan in my own home, however I struggle when faced with going to restaurants and when eating out – then Im stuck with what to order. However, I want to make a good go of these next 30 days and see how I get on.
I am not here to preach onto other people and make them change their lifestyle, however it is a lifestyle change that I would like to try and see if I can face the challenge. I am aware of the negative effects and of the possible vitamin deficiencies which I am going to take into account and I will buy food to replicate this.

I will try  update you throughout the 30 days, with ‘what I eat in a day’ and also with any recipes I try out, or any products I buy which are worth trying out. I would love any advice, hints or tips that you have!

Do you have any hints / tips that I should take on board? 
